Images show tours on board Houthi hijacked ship

A man takes a selfie on the Galaxy Leader commercial ship, seized by Yemen's Houthis last month, off the coast of al-Salif, Yemen December 5, 2023.

Groups of men have been photographed taking selfies and tours on a cargo ship seized by Yemen’s Houthi rebels last month.

The Iran-backed group hijacked the Galaxy Leader in the Red Sea in November, saying it was Israeli.

Houthi militia members had earlier threatened to target Israeli ships over its war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Israel denied the claim, while Japan’s government said it was operated by Nippon Yusen.

Images taken by Reuters and EPA news agencies appear to show people exploring the large vessel.

A boat carrying people sails near the Galaxy Leader commercial ship, seized by Yemen's Houthis last month, off the coast of al-Salif, Yemen, December 5, 2023
Image caption,A boat carries people to the Galaxy Leader which has been held at the port of Hodeidah in Yemen since its capture
A man comes aboard the Galaxy Leader cargo ship, seized by the Houthis offshore of the Al-Salif port on the Red Sea in the province of Hodeidah, Yemen, 05 December 2023.

Nippon Yusen, also known as NYK Line, has said the ship was carrying 25 crew members when it was seized near Hodeida in Yemen on its way to India.

Those on board are believed to include Bulgarian, Mexican, Filipino and Ukrainian nationals.

Japan’s government said in November that its ministries and agencies were working with the relevant countries for the early release of the vessel and its crew.

Galaxy Leader is owned by Galaxy Maritime Ltd, which is registered in the Isle of Man. It is owned by Ray Car Carriers, which is co-owned by Israeli businessman Abraham Ungar, according to documents from the Isle of Man government’s companies registry.

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